Friday, May 27, 2011

wild thing

I was talking with my BFF today, reminiscing about some of the glorious (mis)adventures we've had over the last 18 or so years.  We are MMMs now - married moms with mortgages - and we just don't roar as often or as loudly as we used to.  In fact, I think we have both been feeling the strain of domestication lately, longing a little wistfully for the days when we could howl with impunity, without a single thought as to who might be waiting up for us, worrying and wondering what we've been up to. 

Yes, there is a season in our lives for everything (turn, turn, turn).  But every once in a while...  it would be delicious to forget about "acting our age" and being fine, upstanding role models for our children - and let those fun-loving, carefree, mischief-making wild things we used to be come out and romp for a while.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

shine on

I have things to say about this, but I'm not sure how to frame them so I'm going to just let it go for now.  But ... if you should happen to catch yourself hiding your light under a bushel - please cut it out.  The world needs your unique voice, your "too much"-ness, your "not enough"-ness, your quirky little imperfections and your amazing brilliance.  It's ALL good, so ... twinkle twinkle, little star.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

be heard

Inspired by the baby robins who hatched on my porch column earlier this month.  Until the day they were fully fledged, they asked constantly for what they needed.  Loudly.  Insistently.  Vigorously.   Because of this persistence, all four of them survived, thrived, and flew off into the next big thing when their moment came. 

It was an awesome thing to witness, and it taught me a very valuable lesson.